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  • 五年级足球间接任意球教学设计:利用视频与图片提升学生兴趣与技能


    间接任意球教学设计主题名称足球间接任意球单元,1级5级微型班级亮点只需使用足球间接罚球游戏视频,介绍主题以在本课程的关键点中使用视频或图片,这有利于模仿媒体分析的学生分析间接踢自由踢。由于某些原因(例如对手的越位),由于某些原因(例如对手的越位)在中断后恢复游戏的一种方式与直接任意球教学不同,如果直接将球踢到对手的目标中,则不能将球视为得分,但不能将球视为最底线,而对手则可以用来球。 The fifth grade student is in the growth and development stage, has active thinking and has a certain degree of Logical thinking ability and body cognitive ability, strong desire to express, but in sports activities, there is less contact with the football system and poor ball quality, so in the teaching process, we designed familiar ball quality activities, follow the principle of from easy to difficult, and gradual progress in the teaching process, strive to lay a solid foundation, improve students' interest in diligent learning and practice, encourage students to feel successful in the practice process of physical practice, cultivate interest in football 1 Master the key points of playing indirect free kick techniques, understand several basic kick techniques, learn 2 Can be used in games and games, Cultivate interest in football, improve the awareness of football, and participate actively and happily, participate in various exercises, encourage each other to abide by the rules, mainly indirect free kick teaching content, focus on correct body posture, running assist, leg swing movement, touching points and arm swinging coordination, difficult要点和美丽的身体,协调地面材料的运动,学生在学习和练习期间提前准备设备。建议在活动期间提出安全预防措施。在微型班级开始时,建议学生准备的设备。学生在射击前和后期制作过程内容中准备的设备。相机配音和叙述文字提醒的内容声音。 Hello, students, today's class is a football straight ppt explanation of the direct free kick technology to take off a free kick technology is a football comparison content interpretation: In-place video original classroom introduces the basic techniques that must be mastered in the game video, use different videos to display 2 dribbling technology audio reference technology service below Please see which dribbling technology appears in the video video After watching it, let's take a look at today's learning objectives 1 Master the movements of indirect free kick技术,了解几种基本的踢脚技术2可以用于游戏和游戏中,并培养本课程的学习目标PPT PPT1标志着对足球的兴趣,提高了足球3的意识3,并乐于愉快地参与了各种练习,相互帮助,鼓励遵守规则,间接的自由踢是在足球比赛中犯规后重新启动比赛的一种方法。任意球会对对手构成巨大威胁,甚至可以直接得分。踢出任意球时,必须将球放在一定的位置,球员将球踢出。在其他球员踢球或触摸球之后,必须再次添加动作。在罚球之前,脚拱门负责提供技能教学和解释动作。 Instep负责掌握球的弧线,支撑脚以与球形成对角线,面向踢的方向,在释放球后,左臂是右臂。同时,您可以直接将球直接射入球门,并为脚踝打分并支撑脚以与球形成对角线,并提出要点和困难的点以显示踢出的方向。球释放后,左臂向右。同时,将字幕转动以增加冻结形状的特写运动腰部,而无需1侧以保持运动技能的协调。学生学习和练习学习和练习视频2说明规则,鼓励学生在活动过程中以灵活的方式显示和应用规则,并强调对规则的认识并加强技能的使用。同时,他们强调了规则的意识以及使用技能来解释要点和困难。需要2PPT的协调和合作才能运用他们所学到的知识,并需要完善微级教学反video中每个链接的语言组织,并且射击角度需要进行周到(自我评估)。


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